6 Mei 2021 2 menit
Chinese Banks’ Forest-Risk Financing

Forest-Risk – Financial flows and client risks
About this report
This report has been commissioned by Rainforest Action Network. It is supported by TuK Indonesia, BankTrack, China Environmental Paper Network, and Jikalahari.
About Forests & Finance
Forests & Finance is an initiative by a coalition of campaign and research organisations including Rainforest Action Network, TuK Indonesia, Profundo, Repórter Brasil, Amazon Watch, BankTrack and Sahabat Alam Malaysia. Collectively, they seek to achieve improved financial sector transparency, policies, systems and regulations, that ultimately prevent financial institutions from supporting the kind of environmental and social abuses that are all too common in the operations of many forest-risk sector clients.
About Profundo
With profound research and advice, Profundo aims to make a practical contribution to a sustainable world and social justice. Quality comes first, aiming at the needs of our clients. Thematically we focus on commodity chains, the financial sector and corporate social responsibility. More information on Profundo can be found at www.profundo.nl.
This report was researched and written by Ward Warmerdam with contributions from Wen Bo, Sergio Bafoni and Merel van der Mark. Correct citation of this document: Warmerdam, W. (2021, March), Chinese forest-risk financing – Financial flows and clients risks, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Profundo. Front page cover photograph by Jan Kronies – Unsplash.
The author would like to thank Wen Bo, Sergio Baffoni, Tom Picken, Steph Dowlen, Merel van der Mark for their input and support.
Profundo observes the greatest possible care in collecting information and drafting publications but cannot guarantee that this report is complete. Profundo assumes no responsibility for errors in the sources used, nor for changes after the date of publication. The report is provided for informational purposes and is not to be read as providing endorsements, representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever
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