[Mongabay.com] Malaysian palm oil body encourages fiction over fact

Commentary by David Dellatore of the Sumatran Orangutan Society May…

[Swedwatch] Beyond palm oil certification

4 May 2015 Swedish companies should not content themselves…

[The Jakarta Post] Local biodiesel use to reach up to four million KL this year

Linda Yulisman, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Thu, April…

[The Jakarta Post] Analysis: Plantations under pressure

Kristiadi, Bahana, Jakarta | Business | Thu, April 23 2015, 8:07…

[EPN] Letter to Swedish government

http://www.robinwood.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/Wald/letter-to-Swedish-government-april-2015.pdf =================================================== Ms.…

[The Jakarta Post] Palm-oil levy could be extended to rubber, coffee

Satria Sambijantoro and Linda Yulisman, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta…

[The Jakarta Post] Lives matter most around plantations [re murder of Indra Pelani]

Abetnego Tarigan and Iwan Nurdin, Jakarta | Opinion | Sat, March…

[The Jakarta Post] New formula rolled out to lower biodiesel price

Raras Cahyafitri, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Tue,…

[TuK INDONESIA] Palm Oil Production and Abuse of Human Rights

The Bisnis online publishes two articles on oil palm black campaigns…