Business & Human Rights Resource Centre re companies responses to Conflict or Consent Publication

Forest Peoples Programme, Sawit Watch & TUK Indonesia…

Demand for Palm Oil Fuels Land Conflicts in Africa, Southeast Asia

Kim Lewis Last updated on: November 14, 2013 9:53 AM As the…

Palm Oil Companies Keep Breaking the Promises They Claim to Keep

by Kristina Chew November 11, 2013 8:30 am The Roundtable…

Investigation shows inconsistency among ‘sustainable’ palm oil firms

Friday, November 8th, 2013 By Ilaria Bertini Many palm oil…

Joint statement by participants assembled at the ‘’Conflict or Consent workshop’’

Medan, 8-10th November 2013. At the occasion of the Workshop…

Palm oil companies ignoring community rights, new study shows

Diana Parker, Mongabay-Indonesia correspondent November 07, 2013 Some…

[] Major Palm Oil Companies Accused of Breaking Ethical Promises

Large plantations are destroying forests, damaging wildlife and…

100% Sustainable Palm Oil Use Pledged by France and Germany

September 7, 2013 by Jill Ettinger Chew News , Green…

The Jakarta Workshop CSO Statement on Palm Oil and Finance

From July 3-5, 2013, representatives of 50 civil society organizations…