1 September 2015 5 menit
Corruptions and 8 KPK Commissioner Candidates

Eight KPK candidates to be proposed to Jokowi on Tuesday
thejakartapost.com, Jakarta | National | Tue, September 01 2015, 10:00 AM
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) selection committee (Pansel) will submit eight names of proposed candidates to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Tuesday at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta.
Since the registration opened on June 5, Pansel received more than 500 applications. The committee assessed the candidates and conducted track record investigations in cooperation with the National Police, the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), the Attorney General’s Office, and the National Intelligence Agency (BIN).
The public was also invited to give direct input via Pansel’s official website.
In the final phase of the selection, 19 candidates were picked and went through health tests and a final interview.
Eight candidates proposed by Pansel will undergo the fit and proper test at the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III overseeing legal affairs around the end of November or early December along with two candidates picked by a selection team set up by former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono: former KPK commissioner Busyro Muqoddas and Cabinet Secretariat international relations division head Robby Arya Brata.
Five candidates will be chosen to replace five KPK heads whose term will end in December.
Earlier, Bareskrim chief Comr. Gen. Budi Waseso said the police had named one of the candidates a suspect in an alleged graft case. Pansel had received the report from Bareskrim and promised to remove the candidate from their list.
The submission of the report from Pansel was originally scheduled on Monday, but it was delayed due to Jokowi’s busy schedule. (kes)
8 KPK commissioner candidates
thejakartapost.com | National | Tue, September 01 2015, 1:55 PM
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo accepted eight candidates for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) commissioner post on Tuesday, handed over by members of the selection team who chose the eight names from over 500 applications submitted in June.
The nine members on the all-female selection team, led by Destry Damayanti, arrived at the state palace at 9:45 a.m. to present the names to the President.
The eight candidates are: National Intelligence Body (BIN) staff expert Saut Situmorang; public lawyer Surya Tjandra; corruption judge at the Jakarta District Court Alexander Marwata; Brig. Gen. (Pol.) Basaria Panjaitan; head of the government’s Goods and Services Procurement Policy Institute Agus Raharja; KPK’s Inter Institutions Cooperation Supervision director Sujanarko; acting KPK commissioner Johan Budi; and scholar at Makassar-based Hasanuddin University Laode Muhammad Syarif.
“Tomorrow, I will prepare a letter for the House of Representatives,” President Jokowi was quoted by kompas.com as saying. (bbn) (++++)
19 KPK candidates proceed to next level
thejakartapost.com | National | Wed, August 12 2015, 7:45 PM
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) announced on Wednesday that 19 commissioner hopefuls would proceed to the next level of selection.
“After thorough consideration, in accordance to the meeting of the committee, it has been decided that 19 candidates have passed the third phase,” the head of KPK’s leadership selection committee, Destry Damayanti, said as quoted by kompas.com on Wednesday.
The number of candidates has slimmed down from the previous 48. Among the 19 are prominent figures such as current KPK commissioner Johan Budi and Election Organization Ethics Council (DKPP) chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie.
Destry explained that the candidates had gone through a series of tests to measure their potential and competency. Potential is measured through tests on intellectual capability, work ethics, work potential, social relations and behavior.
Competency aspects cover integrity, leadership, knowledge of the Corruption Law, the economy, monetary issues and citizenship issues.
During the third selection phase, the committee involved various experts in law, psychology and human resources. It also checked the background of each candidate with other institutions, such as the Attorney General’s Office, the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the police.
The committee also received input from the public to be considered.
The next phase of tests are health checkups and interviews, which will be held from Aug. 24 to 26.
The committee aims to propose eight candidates as the new KPK leaders to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo by Aug. 31.
Following is the list of the 19 candidates:
1. Ade Maman Suherman (head of the Quality Assurance and Educational Development Institute at Jenderal Soedirman University)
2. Agus Raharjo (former head of the National Procurement Agency, LKPP))
3. Alexander Marwata (ad hoc judge at the Jakarta Corruption Court)
4. Brig. Gen. Basaria Panjaitan (National Police)
5. Budi Santoso (Ombudsman commissioner)
6. Chesna Fizetty Anwar (Standard Chartered Bank director for internal supervision and public complaints)
7. Firmansyah TF Satya (founder and director of Intercapita Advisory, Consultant Strategic and Business, Investment Banking, Audit and Governance Risk Management)
8. Giri Suprapdiono (KPK gratuity director)
9. Hendardji Supandji (retired Army general)
10. Jimly Asshiddiqie (DKPP chairman)
11. Johan Budi Sapto Pribowo (KPK commissioner)
12. Laode Muhamad Syarif (lecturer at the School of Law, Hasanudin University)
13. Mohammad Gudono (head of audit committee at Gadjah Mada University)
14. Nina Nurlina Pramono (Pertamina Foundation director)
15. Saut Situmorang (expert staff for head of BIN)
16. Sri Hariyati (director of state administrative lawsuits)
17, Sujanarko (director of inter-commissions and agency network development at the KPK)
18. Surya Chandra (public attorney and lecturer at Atmajaya University)
19. Yotje Mende (former Papua Police chief). (rad/ika)(++++)