Who We Are
This association has the purposes of the realisation of respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights and social justice by State and non-state actors in the fields of policies, programmes and activities of agribusiness and natural resources management.
The realization of respect towards, protection of, and fulfillment of human rights and social justice by the state and non-state actors in the realm of policies, programs, and activities related to agribusiness and natural resource management.

Conducting joint advocacy to achieve the fulfillment and protection of human rights and social justice, driving social change for farmers, local communities, indigenous peoples, workers, fishers, and other vulnerable groups in the sustainable control and management of natural resources, as well as enhancing the capacity and competence of TuK INDONESIA's organization and institutions.
Encouraging approaches, mechanisms and procedures for human rights in public and private sector development;
Partnering with human rights defenders and other support groups to encourage, create and activate political, social and cultural movements for the fulfilment of human rights;
Providing supports and facilities in respect of human rights for vulnerable groups and marginalised communities through active networking, public fatwas (rulings) and mobilisation of resources;
Conducting critical assessments and participatory investigations with regard to human rights and justice;
Monitoring international sustainability initiatives in respect of public and private sector businesses, operations and investments in Indonesia;
Translating integrity practices of agribusiness commodity trading and markets by linking consequences and implications of production and consumption to human rights and social justice;
Urging investment and financing leaderships of public and private businesses to respect and improve their lending in agribusiness commodities and natural resources;
Developing capacity of the organisation and managing resources to achieve the organisation’s vision and mission.
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