12 November 2023 7 menit
Press Release Strange Legal Process: Family of Bangkal Village Murder Victim Complains to Indonesian State Institution

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Strange Legal Process: Family of Bangkal Village Murder Victim Complains to Indonesian State InstitutionHello
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Press Release
Jakarta, 10 November 2023, Representatives of the Families of Murder Victims of Bangkal Village Residents continue to make efforts to seek justice for victims in this country. Even though their report was previously rejected by the National Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Unit, they did not let up their enthusiasm. They visited a number of State Institutions, namely the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), the National Human Rights Commission (KomnasHAM), the National Police Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (Kompolnas) and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia to demand justice for the shooting case which was strongly suspected to have been carried out by the Central Kalimantan Police Mobile Brigade. which caused the death of the late Gijik and serious injuries suffered by Mr Taufik. Until now, the disclosure of the shooting case is unclear and strangely it is the residents who have been summoned by the Central Kalimantan Regional Police with articles that are thought to criminalize residents.
The victim’s family hopes that these four state institutions will carry out their functions and authority, especially with regard to law enforcement and human rights in murder cases in Bangkal Village. The hopes of the victim’s family for these four state institutions are as follows:
The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), the families of the victims and witnesses, asked for protection for the residents of Bangkal Village who were part of the incident on October 7 2023. The position of the families of the victims and witnesses was in a state of confusion and fear. Residents are confused about law enforcement for murder perpetrators who have never been processed. Residents also experienced fear due to intimidation in the form of summons from the police. The summons relates to acts against officers on duty. Families and residents fear criminalization efforts from certain parties. At a meeting with Komnas HAM, the residents were met by the Commissioner who is also the chairman of Komnas HAM, Atnike Nova Sigiro.
The Witness and Victim Institute (LPSK) is expected to be able to provide protection to the families of victims and answer the recovery needs of victims and their families. Residents’ requests have also been submitted directly to the LPSK;
The National Police Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (Kompolnas), was asked by the victim’s family to carry out supervision and provide recommendations regarding the ongoing legal process so that it is impartial and fair even though it is suspected that the perpetrator is a member of the police and should not criminalize the victim.
Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, residents of Bangkal Village reported allegations of maladministration carried out by the Central Kalimantan Regional Police and National Police Headquarters because they did not provide good public services to residents. This is related to the brutality of the authorities in securing citizens’ actions, excessive use of force by the police and the rejection of reports of murder by the victim’s family at the police without valid reasons.
We from the Solidarity Advocacy Team for the Bangkal Indigenous Community consider that the murder case of Bangkal Village residents is a reflection of the poor guarantee of respect, protection and fulfillment of human rights by law enforcement officials in this Republic. Violations demonstrated by law enforcement officers in a way that violates the law seems to be deliberately perpetuated by being given impunity. Of course, this will further worsen the image of Indonesia which claims to be a rule of law country.
We know that state institutions such as Komnas Ham, LPSK and Kompolnas have followed the shooting process of Bangkal Village residents and these institutions have carried out field investigations. In the midst of uncertainty regarding the ongoing law enforcement process, we still have a glimmer of hope in these state institutions. We hope that our hope will not lead to distrust and neglect of abusive practices and human rights violations by state officials and corporations protected by the police.
The Bangkal case, which was motivated by agrarian conflict, extends the list of violence by law enforcement officers against residents who are defending their rights. The Bangkal case also strengthens our understanding of the state’s inability to protect its people. Situations like this make us realize that it is the collective strength of the people that can save them from injustice and deprivation of living space. The people must unite like the Laman Kinipan Indigenous People who continue to fight and defend their traditional territory, the Rempang Community and other communities.
Solidarity Advocacy Team for the Bangkal Indigenous Community
Alliance of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (AMAN), Association for the Defense of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (PPMAN), Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS), Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI), Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Association for Transformation for Justice Indonesia (TuK Indonesia), PW AMAN Kalteng, WALHI K
Narahubung :
Aryo Nugroho W (0852-5296-0916)
Andi M Rezaldy (+62 877 85553228)
Judianto Simanjuntak (+62 857-7526-0228)
Asep Komarudin (081310728770)
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